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who we are & what we represent

What is 4BluntPeople ?

    4BluntPeople is a brand for created for stoners of all levels —from the noobs -to the experts —to the people who don’t even smoke, but got stoner friends! It’s made to be a community 4 (for) people who have the courage to be ‘blunt’ (or honest) with themselves, and strength to receive the world around them to be ‘blunt’ with the themselves as well. 


    The idea is to learn to live without judging yourself, so that you can learn to live without judging others. Just be blunt with yourself, and then smoke one too. Live your life as free as you can, because that’s what we are all here to do. 

What's With The Name ?

The name 4BluntPeople came from the love of smoking blunts and speaking what’s on your mind. The intent of the brand is to create a safe place for stoners (and their non-stoner peeps) to creatively express their ‘high thoughts’ and share their experiences with the community to reflect and inspire one another.

be Blunt With Me!

#4BluntPeople #BeBlunt #4BP #StonerBrand #StonerLife #TyPie2High


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Bluntly educate and inspire people about Stoner Culture and the lifestyle

Create a Stoner Podcast

Where we bluntly interview our audience 

Make First 100 Sales

& Start Creating 

Rolling Trays, Stash Jars, Ash Trays, and Grinders


What's Your Sign?

“I’m rolling up to my dream life, like I didn’t even see the signs’ —Tiye Samone

This collection was inspired by astrology, holistic spirituality, street signs, chasing after dreams and of course the stoner life! I sat down and created over 100 different designs in an hour.


I love astrology, so I’m that person you meet that’s going to guess your birth chart. But out of curiosity, I’m wondering if I make designs where people have to guess which 4BluntPeople sign they are, which ones people will identify with the most and why. 🤔 ! 


My holistic spirituality has grown exponentially the last three years of my life, and I think that my life is about to reflect that. It can be as simple as me bringing 4BluntPeople from my thoughts to reality or as big as it becoming a success even when my circumstances are far from reflecting that right now. . or are they? I have no fucking clue, so instead of focusing on how positive or negative the outcome will be —I try to focus more on the process and what I’m experiencing in the art of creating. Orgasmic. 


Eventually, the orgasmic sensations of creating something new are interrupted with a sign that the reality you are creating is not the one you currently live in. Like an eviction notice taped to your door, or an invisible ‘do not enter’ sign over your job because you know that place stresses you out. These signs are literal, mental and spiritual signs; but every block or stop is a blessing in disguise not a death sentence. Not to mention that good signs are just that —good signs—don’t overthink it. Green light —GO! Chase your dreams! Drive fast, drive slow, be the driver that makes a lot of stops —who fucking cares?! Just go! And keep going ! You will make it to your destination.


As breathtaking as orgasms can be, the air does return —unless it’s to die for —you decide; but once you make it to your destination, stop to enjoy it and then get ready for another journey! Keep growing! Keep smoking! Keep being blunt like your life depends on it!


—Tiye Samone

What's Your sign collection designs



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History in the making. . .

Be Blunt with the Community


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